Sharp operates in highly competitive and capital intensive businesses, including display and smartphones. 夏普经营的是竞争激烈的资本密集型业务,包括显示器和智能手机。
But they are extremely capital intensive. 但他们也是极度资本密集的。
The marketplace model is considered to be less capital intensive, generating more ( and earlier) profits for shareholders. 市场模式的资本密集度较低,能够更多地(也更早地)让股东盈利。
The company intends to explore other less capital intensive growth options in the future, where it can leverage Best Buy's valuable brand across alternative channels and formats in China. 公司意欲将来发掘其他资本密集度较低的业务机会,以期在中国利用各种其他渠道和业务模式,最佳发挥百思买的品牌价值。
Therefore, Chinas manufacturing is infirm in international division of labor, especially for the technology and capital intensive products. 因此,中国制造业国际分工地位低下,在技术和资本密集型产品上尤为低下。
We find that technological progress has a strong substitution effect of capital in capital intensive industry. 技术进步对产业振兴规划中资本密集型产业的物质要素资本投入替代作用明显。
A scarcity of savings also explains why India has focused on services, which are less capital intensive. 而储蓄不足也是印度把重点放在服务业上的原因,该行业资本密集程度较低。
Capital intensive a process or industry that requires large sums of financial resources to produce a particular good. 资本密集需要大量财务资源生产个别货品的生产过程或行业。
A developing country can suffer if capital intensive cash crops are produced at the expense of labour intensive food. 如果资本密集型经济作物的生产是以牺牲劳动力密集型粮食作物为代价,那么,一个发展中国家就可能遭受损害。
In fact, all the growth stories of the past decade ( such as China, emerging market infrastructure, residential housing, hedge funds, private equity and commodities) are capital intensive investments that benefited from easy access to cheap capital. 事实上,过去10年的所有增长故事(比如中国、新兴市场基础设施、住宅、对冲基金、私人股本和大宗商品)都属于资本密集型投资,都因获取廉价资金比较容易而受益匪浅。
People familiar with the proposed listing, expected to be in the first quarter, said that in a business as capital intensive as ports, the ability to pay dividends from cash flow meant a better total return for investors. 和记港口控股预计将于第一季度上市。据知情人士称,对于港口之类的资本密集型企业,有能力用现金流支付股息意味着投资者能获得更高的总回报。
Chinese leaders publicly stress the priority of employment creation, but economic incentives continue to favour capital intensive industries, not the job-generating service sector. 中国领导人公开强调创造就业的优先地位,但经济政策继续支持资本密集型行业,而非有利于创造就业的服务业。
This has made establishing a manufacturing presence in China an imperative, regardless of whether doing so would save costs in a highly capital intensive industry, executives and analysts said. 业内高管和分析师表示,这使得台湾企业势必在大陆建厂,无论这种做法在一个高度资本密集型的产业里能否节省成本。
As agriculture became more capital intensive, many farm labourers moved to the towns and cities to look for work. 随着农业资本密集程度的提高,许多农场劳动力转向城镇寻找工作。
Mordern mould industry is technology, capital intensive industry. 现代模具行业是技术、资金密集型的行业。
One senior Taipei-based banker, who hailed the move as positive for Taiwan, said: Technology is a capital intensive business and China definitely has the downstream [ manufacturers] and the end market, so these new rules could lead to more alliances. 台北一位资深银行家称赞此举对台湾具有积极意义,他说:科技是一个资本密集型行业,而大陆绝对拥有下游制造商和最终市场,因此这些新规有可能促成更多联盟。
Animal production systems vary from mainly capital intensive in the western world to mainly capital extensive systems in the developing world. 动物生产体系也有很大差别,西方主要采用资本密集型体系,而发展中国家主要采取资本粗放型体系。
Those in capital intensive industries are skilled at applying return on investment and breakeven analyses. 那些资本密集行业的分析师长于应用投资回报和盈亏平衡分析。
These incinerators are costly to run and capital intensive in cost and require large chimney stacks. 这些焚化炉运行费用昂贵,并且为资本密集型,需要大型烟囱。
We still depend on the labor-intensive industry, while they depend on the knowledge and capital intensive industry. 我们依赖的是劳动密集型产业,而美国依赖的是知识,资本密集型产业。
The job impact is small because steel is very capital intensive, Mr Hufbauer and Mr Schott say. 就业效应很小,因为钢铁行业的资金密集性非常强,赫夫鲍尔和斯科特表示。
Devaluing the renminbi, in other words, might not increase growth so much as transfer growth from the capital intensive, service or government sectors to the tradable goods sector. 换言之,让人民币贬值,可能与其说是刺激增长,不如说是让增长从资本密集型、服务或政府部门转移到贸易商品部门。
The Chinese real estate market has become so capital intensive, Ms Zhang said. 张欣表示:中国房地产市场的资本密集程度已经非常高。
Demand of people from low to being high, high growth of industry goes through labor intensity, capital intensive and skill-intensive course that change too. 人的需求由低到高,高增长产业的发展也经历了劳动密集、资本密集以及技术密集转换的过程。
As a capital intensive industry, financial management of the real estate industry is particularly important. 房地产业作为一个资金密集型行业,财务管理工作更显尤为重要。
The real estate market is capital intensive industry, has a high degree of dependence on financial market. 作为资本密集型产业的房地产市场,它高度依赖着金融市场。
Put forward labors supply ability deficiency judgment after analysis Chinese labor supply situation, Pointed out the government industrial policy is that energetically advocate and support enterprise to operate the technology intensive, capital intensive industry developing. 通过对我国劳动力的供给问题的分析,提出了我国现阶段劳动力供给的能力不足的论断。指出了国家现在大力提倡和支持以技术密集型,资本密集型为代表的产业转型政策。
Under any combination of the capital and the labor. Enterprises with bank equity connection will use more capital for the production, and preference capital intensive production mode. 在任意的资本和劳动力价格组合下,持有银行股权的企业会更多的使用资本进行生产,偏好资本密集型的生产方式。
The coal enterprises are labor-intensive and capital intensive. The problem of human-resource loss, under the restructuring process of national coal enterprises, will inevitably destroy their inherent organizational structure and cooperation pattern. Their development will also be restricted. 煤炭企业作为劳动密集型、资本密集型企业,在全国煤炭企业进行重组的大背景下,人力资源流失不可避免地破坏了企业固有的组织结构和合作模式,也严重制约了企业的发展。
The second part of enterprise group introduced the basic theory of capital intensive management. 第二部分介绍了企业集团资金集约管理的基本理论。